للتسجيل والدعم الفني للرجال

Terms & Condition

(1) Introduction:

Welcome to Supply dot com, the following terms and conditions concerning your use and logged in to the sitepages "lacus-lemans" souq.com and all thepages and links, tools and features SACD. Your use of the site Supply dot com is you consent to the acceptance of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, which includes all the details below, a confirmation of your commitment to respond to the contents of this special agreement Supply dot-com company F & ndash; Z & ndash; LL C "souq.com FZ-LLC" and referred to hereinafter as "we" and also referred to as "lacus-lemans", with respect to your use of the site, and hereinafter referred to as the "Usage Agreement" The agreement is valid if accepted the option of approval

(2) to qualify for membership:

1. Membership Site granted only to those who've exceeded the age of 18 years. And site lacus-lemans right Balghaehsab any member did not reach the 18-year commitment with the liquidation of its financial accounts as soon as the account is closed

2.la anyone the right to use the site if the membership of lacus-lemans canceled.

3. In the event that any user to register as a business, the business foundation and be bound by all the terms contained in this Agreement.

4.enbga you must comply with all applicable laws to regulate trade via the Internet.

5.la any member or institution has the right to open the accounts that one for any reason, and to manage the site the right to freeze accounts or cancel one of them with a commitment to filter out all the financial transactions relating to the account before closing it.

6.aly Almstkhaddma individuals and institutions commitment to commercial contracts with members.

7.la any member has the right to buy the site exhibitsprohibited or suspicious or stolen, or contrary to the applicable ministries and government institutions, local trade bodies of laws, and in case it isproved that heputs himself in thepain ofpersonal responsibility without any responsibility on lacus-lemans

(3) Al_husabk and obligations Date:

immediately after filing the registration application for membership in the site are required to disclose specific information and choose a user name and a secretpassword to be used when entering the site. Upon acceptance of the application for registration would be considered a member of the site and thus, it has agreed to

1.on be responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account andpassword information confidential and to identify thepersons who are allowed to access and use your site. And it is thus agree to inform lacus-lemans off any unauthorized use of the word by the login or account or any other breach of confidentiality of your information.

2.ln lacus-lemans be in any way responsible for any loss that may be incurred by you directly or indirectly morally or materially as a result of detecting the user name orpassword logon information

3.ont official to maintain to use website lacus-lemans all seriousness and credibility is bound to compensate the lacus-lemans for any direct or indirect losses that may cause Blacus-lemans result of any illegal use or real or commissioner for your account by you or From

tip anyone else got access to your keys, whether the site to accomplish and other services using the user name andpassword, whether authorized by you or without the mandate.

4.ont OK on the disclosure of information is true and correct and up to date and complete information about yourself as requested in the registration form at lacus-lemans "

5.on not included in the registration of any of your contact details as addresses or e-mailphones or anypersonal details of numbers, or the word "Supply" card.

6.on does not include the trade name of your store the word "Supply" or logo.

7.altzm lacus-lemans to deal with yourpersonal information and addresses of your contact confidentially with other members and members areprovided with your contact information just as soon as the completion of businessprocesses.

8.sov be obliged to maintain and update the registration data in turn is true and correct and complete and current to keep them, and if they disclosed the unreal or incorrect information Ooger current full Ooger or violation as stated in the user agreement, the right to lacus-lemans

fully to stop or limit or cancel your membership and your account on the site, without damaging the rights of other legitimate lacus-lemans and means to recover their rights.

9.llacus-lemans absolute will and at any time to conduct any investigations it deems necessary (either directly or through a thirdparty) andprompts you to disclose additional information or documents of any size toprove your identity and / orproperty finance for your gadgets.

10.vi case that submitted the application for registration is a commercial enterprise must beprovided with all the required information and documents containing business license, other institution and / or documents and documents show the responsibility of anyperson acting on your behalf.

11.ont OK toprovide any information and / or documents for lacus-lemans if asked to do so.

12.vi case of non-compliance with any of the above, the management lacus-lemans the right to suspend or cancel your membership and has blocked the site. We reserve as well as the right to cancel any accounts are unconfirmed and unproven,processes, or accounts have been sitting out for a long time without activity.

(4) electronic communications:

1. You agree that you are communicating via e-mail, or through thepromotion airing ads on the site, and you agree that all agreements and declarations, statements and other communications supplied to electronically serve as counterparts started, to meet the legal needs.

2. It will lacus-lemans during theperiod of your membership by sending e-mails Troyjah to identify you of any changes or newprocedures orpropaganda activities may be added to the site.

3. You have a right as a user to confirm that you do not wish to receivepromotional e-mails, you can cancel and receive such messages, by clicking on the request not to receivepromotional messages and are available at the bottom of thepromotional messages and advertising option.

(5) changes to the User Agreement and mechanism of action of these lacus-lemans:

1. You acknowledge and agree that the lacus-lemans notify you of any amendment to the User Agreement, under which multiply your obligations or diminish your rights in accordance with any adjustments that might beperformed on the Terms of Use

2.ont agree that lacus-lemans and with absolute validity and without bear legal responsibility to conduct basic or sub-amendments to this agreement without requiring that additional approval from the butt, and so at any time with immediate effect, by broadcast announcement of the amendment on the site .

3. You know that lacus-lemans is not an auction or a bank and does notprovide similar services, and lacus-lemans electronically site is technically on the Internet allows the sale andpurchase of goods between sellers and buyers registered users.

4.alaazavih free site. And conclude deals lacus-lemans imposes on sellers fees while their wares are sold on the site, and there are optional advertising charges in the case request and use them topromote the merchandise on the site.

5.aly sellerspay all fees due to the lacus-lemans within 30 Soma Bkhadd maximum after the completion of a successful sale

6.aly seller to inform the management of the site by any asset saleprocess is not successful for any reason, and will lacus-lemans the abolition of the commission calculated on the commodity.

7.lk right as a seller to cancel or refund the amount of any commissions accounted for or deducted on the operations have not fulfilled

8.qubl offer any commodity for sale in the location that you check the specific fees will be calculated on the details of your operations and the consequent you repaid as soon as monthly bills own version calculates your transactions on the site,

9.mouka right to make changes to operations fees as it deems appropriate and will be announced any amendment by sending you on your e-mail, and modifications may be temporary or continuous, whether the fees or shipping services details and you have adhered to according to itsprovisions when they are announced about her .

8.kavh fees are calculated in local currency for the country's location, which recorded him you have topay all fees due on the site to your operations lacus-lemansplus any taxes or other expenses, and that within 30 days from the date of the invoice sent to him by lacus-lemans, to be made by the means adopted to that

9.vi if you fail to comply topay fees or expenses calculated on your operations at the site, the lacus-lemans and without any liability reserves the right to:
- issuing a formal warning you to fail to comply withpayment on time

- in the event of failure topay the dues in a maximumperiod of 7 days from the date of issuance of lacus-lemans warning lacus-lemans entitled to terminate your account temporarily orpermanently.

- lacus-lemans retains the right to also take any necessary steps, including legal in the absence of your sight for fees incurred for the benefit done at lacus-lemans

- For accountspayable for more than 30 days, it will be truncated nonpaid from your account in the amount of electronic "my wallet"portfolio (MyWallet) I do not mind you have to do lacus-lemans duly with the need to notify you via e-mail to complete the checkoutprocess.

- lacus-lemans retains the right to take any necessary actions or steps, including but not limited to legalproceedings to collect the fees and / or taxes and appropriate expenses.

(6) Use Supply system for securepayment:

1. Is a safepayment system in lacus-lemans that thepayment for thepurchase of goods from the site can be done online in whole or inpart by theproperties belonging to thepayment lacus-lemans called my wallet (MyWallet) or cash receipt "COD" or any otherparty forpayment may beprovided by lacus-lemans on the site from time to time.

2.an lacus-lemansprovide forpayment service Mahaftta or cash on delivery is a convenience for buyers to completepayment transactions over the Internet is overseen by lacus-lemans while lacus-lemans not involved in buying and selling on the site.

3.ba buying and selling on the site continuously in being made in accordance with the bilateral contracts between the seller and the buyer for a certain commodity, and lacus-lemans is not liable for anyprocess that is not completed, and is not responsible for any claim arising from any contract concluded between buyers and sellers.

4.lacus-lemans it is not a responsibility to ensure the credibility of any user. The seller and the buyer took Exercise caution and transactions. You acknowledge and agree that carries you lacus-lemans hazards that may cause your money, God forbid, during your trading and trades on the site.

(7) yourpersonal information and operational details:

& gt; 1. I do not mind you have to give lacus-lemans really unlimited, and global, andpermanent and irrevocable, and is exempt from fees, and unauthorized use ofpersonal information or materials or otherwise,provided by you to the site and / or announced on the site through the registration, bidding, buying , or during

process display and sell goods, through ad hoc networking and registration forms, or through any email or any of the available channels of communication site. The aim of the operation andpromotion of the site in accordance with the Terms of Useprivacypolicy.

2.ont the sole responsible for the information that you have sent orposted and limited role lacus-lemans allow you to display this information on the webpages and through advertising channels.

(8) goods and information banned traded during the use of the site:

any user shall not display any commodity does not allow the traffic in the markets of Saudi Arabia, according to the regulations of the Ministry of Commerce and the Customs Administration and the Interior Ministry of Saudi Arabia and all the ministries concerned, such as (but not limited to):

1.alodoah unlicensed andpreparations by the Ministry of Health

2.moad explosive and fiery weapons

3.alehiwanat of live domestic and wild birds and their members or objects

4.sla illegal religious

spiritual 5.almusharobac and liquor and alcohol, and tobacco in all its forms, and narcotic drugs

6.albrmj andpirated discs, laser and non-native

7.ohrthpornographic video and any relatedprograms Balabahiat

8.moad forbidden legally traded

9.almentjat of animal origin illegal

10.alutaiq and national historical artifacts recorded

11.sindat include stock, instruments, customs bonds or any other financial instruments

12.alkhaddmat andpublic announcements of the sites or companies

technical 13.alqtah forbidden exported outside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

14.alqta archaeological and artistic treasures, as stipulated in the laws.

15.oa damaged goods, forged, invalid, or fake it by using it can be harmful to users of another location in their interests and their health.

fresh 16.alogveh and chemicals and gaseous

17.oa goods was announced formally or informally by any government entity involved in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for not allowing Asterdha or sell or use, whether before or after thepresentation site, and the site right not to allow viewing even if the seller's responsibility

Drinks and juices
منتجات العناية بالطفل
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منتجات العناية الشخصية
منتجات التجميل النسائية
المكملات الغذائية